To get started, click on 'Account' at the top right of and select 'Register'. Fill in your details, choose a secure password, and click 'Submit'.
Forgot Your Password?
No worries! Click 'Account', then 'Forgot your password?'. Enter your email address, and we'll send you a reset link.
Having trouble logging in? You might have checked out as a guest, meaning no account was created. In this case, a password reset won’t work.
To make things easier, Submit a request We will send you a activation link. Once activated, you can track orders and access your purchase history.
Updating Your Account
Log in to Bellerose to update your account. Go to 'Address' to modify your details or add a new one via 'Add address'. Make sure your address is complete before placing an order and verify your email address to receive updates.
Order confirmation is automated. If your address is incorrect, your order will be returned and refunded. Double-check your details, as changes can't be made after confirmation.
To update your email address, create a new account or Submit a request. Please note, we cannot merge account